My fingers have been itching for a keyboard. But, as I write this, my eyes feel tired. My head droops. I’ve been waiting for this moment all day. A moment when I can “just write.” A moment where I can lay aside the stress of school, the pressure to balance my work with my family […]
An Author’s Typical Work Day: A Sneak Peek Into the Routines of 14 Authors
Do you ever wonder how you’ll find time to write when you grow up, move out, and have to do life “for real”? Or maybe you’re already an adult and struggling to maintain your writing habits while also working, getting a degree, or even raising kids. Published authors are lucky. They don’t have to worry […]
9 Ways Teens Can Prepare for a Writing Career
When I first learned to roller skate, my dad was with me. He gave me lots of good advice, like how to move my feet and position myself. “You should lean forward,” he said, “because falling forward is better than falling backward.” Without my dad there to teach me how to roller skate, I probably […]
How to Develop Business Skills as a Young Author
You want to be an author… but everybody knows what happens to authors. They end up living under a bridge with piles of unsold books, unable to afford food or clothing or rent. They never amount to much, remaining poor, starving writers who can’t put food on the table. Truly, a fate worse than death. […]
How to Find Inspiration As a Young Nonfiction Writer
Have you ever had one of those moments when you realize that you need to write a new article, but you don’t even know where to begin? The deadline draws closer every minute as your mind continuously draws blank. What should I write about? Do I even have anything important to say? How can I […]
How to Grow Your Readership: Top Strategies of 9 Authors
When I first heard the word “platform” in the context of writerly steps, I had a vague notion of social media followers, email subscribers, and speaking engagements. And I sort of shunned the idea. I didn’t really know what it meant, why it was important, or how to start and grow my platform. A platform […]
How to Structure Your Novel: 3 Story Structures You Need To Know
Writing a novel may seem hard. But what’s even harder is when you put in all the hours of brainstorming, outlining, and finally writing, only to give your novel to beta readers and have them say something like this: “The story didn’t make sense.” “It felt all over the place.” “The pacing felt rushed—or too […]
Glorify God in Your Writing: 7 Authors Show You How
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Christian writers have existed ever since Christianity, from the gospel writers to modern-day novelist Chuck Black. Christian artists in general have striven to center their work right around the Lord, like Johann Sebastian Bach, […]