Start Young and Stick With It
This is our defining manifesto at The Young Writer.
We believe your words matter, no matter what age you are. We believe that writing can be a sensible, sustainable career path. And we believe that in order to get there, you need to start young and stick with it. You don’t have to wait until you’re retired to publish a book, or focus on a “sensible back-up plan” instead of pursuing your dreams.
We help young writers achieve their goals and pursue their dreams, from as small as conquering writer’s block and finishing that chapter, to as big as signing your first book contract and building the foundation for an author career.
“Brett Harris and Jaquelle Crowe are doing some wonderful work: encouraging, inspiring, and teaching young writers.”

Carolyn McCready
Zondervan Executive Editor
“Would I recommend this program to other writers? 100% YES!!!”

Iris Lyndaker
“We’ve not only watched our daughter’s writing ability excel, but her love for writing grows stronger every day.”

John and Lisa Melton
Bethany’s Parents
Dear Young Writer
We used to be just like you.
Struggling to finish our drafts. Wishing we had someone to share our excitement and our work with. Not knowing the first thing about improving our writing craft, let alone how to sell books, get an agent, or market to readers. And ultimately, unsure if we were cut out to be writers.
When I (Jaquelle) was sixteen, I knew that I loved writing, but I didn’t know what to do with it. I had no roadmap to success. Having a writing career seemed like a pipe dream, as likely as winning the lottery. And I was seriously considering whether I should just give up on my writing and move on.
That’s when I met Brett.

Brett grew up in a family of writers. And so after he and his twin brother Alex wrote Do Hard Things as teenagers, landing the #5 spot on the Amazon best-seller list and selling over 500,000 copies, he was regularly approached by other young writers asking for help and advice.
When Brett saw my passion and goals, he graciously offered to mentor me. He coached this newbie along, helping me build a platform, create a book proposal, and eventually land a book contract from my dream publisher, Crossway.

My book, This Changes Everything, ended up winning awards from Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition and sold 10,000 copies in its first week alone. It was a wild and wonderful experience in every way. But it also taught me some life-changing lessons. And I wanted to give other writers the same kind of training and help I received to help me turn my dreams into a reality.
That’s why Brett and I started the Young Writer’s Workshop in January 2017.
We wanted to create a safe community where you can get support and feedback, ask questions and hone your craft, and most importantly be surrounded by other young writers on the same journey as you. At the end of the day: this program is about giving you permission to dream again.
And we want to support you every step of the way.
Young writer, you CAN do this.
Your sister in Christ,
Jaquelle Crowe Ferris

Meet Our Team

Brett Harris
Co-Founder and CEO, always dreaming big

Jaquelle Ferris
Co-Founder and Instructor, keeps us on track

Josiah DeGraaf
Director of Operations, loves nerding out about stories

Diana Crowe
Director of Finance & Administration, queen of spreadsheets

Kara Swanson
Conservatory Director & YWW Instructor, pioneering innovative strategies

Rachel Scheller
YWW Community Manager, supports our students with her wit & care

Lauren Hildebrand
YWW Instructor, loves pouring into our students

Anna Rose Johnson
YWW Instructor, helps our students unlock their potential

Sam Sheridan
IT Director, saves us from digital catastrophes

Sara Willoughby
Outreach Manager, doing five things at once

Cassie Porath
YWW Community Staff & trustworthy teammate

Valari Westeren
Our creative & consistent YWW Group Coordinator

Mariposa Aristeo
Social Media Manager with a wonderful sense of humor