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"The Young Writer's Guidebook is the most inspiring book out there for young writers." — Audrey Caylin, age 16
New York Times bestselling author of over 50 books, including Heaven, Safely Home, and Courageous.
New York Times bestselling author of over 20 novels, including Her Mother's Hope and Redeeming Love.
New York Times bestselling author of 186 books (including Left Behind), with over 70 million copies sold.
Award-winning author of The Green Ember Series, a middle-grade adventure fantasy saga.
Author of more than a dozen novels, including the popular Kingdom Series and Wars of the Realm.
New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction with over 80 books for adults and children.
New York Times bestselling author and Christy Award-winner — with over 20 published novels.
Christian singer-songwriter and Christy Award winning author of The Wingfeather Saga.
Carol Award-winning author and two-time Christy Award finalist of the popular Out of Time series.
New York Times bestselling author of over 50 books, including Heaven, Safely Home, and Courageous.
New York Times bestselling author of over 20 novels, including Her Mother's Hope and Redeeming Love.
New York Times bestselling author of 186 books (including Left Behind), with over 70 million copies sold.
Award-winning author of The Green Ember Series, a middle-grade adventure fantasy saga.
Author of more than a dozen novels, including the popular Kingdom Series and Wars of the Realm.
New York Times bestselling author of Amish fiction with over 80 books for adults and children.
New York Times bestselling author and Christy Award-winner — with over 20 published novels.
Christian singer-songwriter and Christy Award winning author of The Wingfeather Saga.
Christy-award winning author of Dust & Ignite, and co-founder of the Author Conservatory